Mission Statement


The mission of this website is to provide my unbiased and unvarnished opinions on current dental concepts, current dental treatments, interdisciplinary treatment modalities, and commentary on current dental myths.

I have a small solo practice in Northern Virginia and am an eclectic dentist; which means that I rarely refer any treatment to an outside specialist.

I’ve had the benefit of 36 years practicing Dentistry in the two counties with the highest median family income in the entire United States.

This unique perspective has given me the opportunity to hone my skills and practice dentistry to a high level due to low financial resistance to procedures.

Because I have been a solo practitioner most of my career, which now spans 36 years of private practice, I have a perspective untainted by corporate dental practice.

Most of my patients regard my treatment advice as being conservative but thorough.  I have many satisfied patients as witnessed by my Google reviews and the popularity of my practice

In no way am I disparaging any particular dentist are dental style of practice with commentary on this website.

We all go through life whether being a dentist or a non dentist doing what we have to do to pay bills, provide for a family and provide for our retirements.

You may agree or disagree with my commentary about dental procedures or certain dental practices, and that’s okay, feel free to write your own opinions on your own website and we can agree to disagree.

I don’t allow comments on my website but feel free to write me at my practice address if you have any comments.

All points of view are welcome and my mind remains open to any new ideas.

As a point of reference I have practiced sedation dentistry successfully for 26 years, I’ve been doing most if not all of my orthodontist cases for 30 years, have treated and will continue to treat all of my periodontal patients no matter the severity of their periodontitis, I do most ( 95%) of my endodontic work;  but I don’t do Endodontic surgery anymore, I place and restore all my implants whether they be single unit implants or complex full mouth rehabilitation and everything in between.